This is how Superkb used to look back then in the 0.10 version. It used direct calls to the Xlib library which doesn’t support antialiasing. Back then, text was also rendered using Xlib. The icons were loaded and painted using Imlib2. Version 0.10 was released on September, 2006. I didn’t include an even older screenshot because I considered it to be «still too experimental».
So, Superkb 0.22 was released a couple of weeks ago. It featured a gradient-based rendering of the keys. This, in addition to the multiple key-rendering modes introduced in 0.15 (Feb 2008) and the use of the Cairo library in 0.20 (Nov 2009), have drastically changed the overall appearance. Yesterday I fixed the display of UTF-8 characters, which have allowed me to use arrows for the cursor keys and others. This is the result:
This is also a thank you note to the users that have provided me with their useful feedback.